Warburg Pincus Financial Sector III Due Diligence Days

We invite you to join us for the Warburg Pincus Financial Sector III Due Diligence Days on April 3-4, 2024.  We are offering customized agendas for our in-person attendees at our offices in New York, as well as virtual sessions on both days for those unable to attend in-person.  If you opt to attend in-person, we would like to invite you to a breakfast with Firm Leadership and a Financial Services Overview lunch with Vishal Mahadevia and Dan Zilberman, Co-Heads of Global Financial Services. In addition, we will offer sessions with our Financial Services deal professionals focused on the U.S., Europe, India, China, and Southeast Asia regions. 


Please select how you would like to attend the meeting, using the buttons below:


Registration via our website for in-person due diligence is now closed.  Please reach out to duediligence@warburgpincus.com to register for this event.